Brightwater Advisory is a fiduciary that offers appropriate investment counsel and was established by David Maddux and Katie Maddux in 2014 as a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) with the state of Florida. We registered directly with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2017.*


Click to download a copy of our Form CRS.

Click to download a copy of our Disclosure Brochure.

Meet our team

David Maddux

CEO | Chief Investment Officer | CCO


Katie Maddux



misty hooks

Client Operations Manager
Compliance Director

Barry Brindise

CFP® | Financial Planning Director


Sam Hestorff

Systems Manager | IT Director

Ellingson, Heidi006 - Final

Heidi Ellingson

Executive Assistant
Marketing Director


Tinkering: Strategic plans are satisfying, but they are most effective when editable as the future unfolds into the present. Tinkering with a method, a process, a template, or asking questions of others in order to learn, can reaffirm the status quo or other times bring fresh insight into making subtle changes or a call to do more work around the possibility of a dramatic change that is positive.

Communicate: Listening first, but also the discussion and sharing of thoughts, ideas, and action items fosters collaboration and coordination. This premise holds true internally within a team, as well as connecting with a client and better helping her follow through with her financial plan.

Patience: Outcomes can take time and it is key to focus on process.

Persistence: Work is useful but never complete. Today is a new day to continue our work.

Responsibility: We believe it is important to take responsibility for what happens to us in life. For example, in our work, we believe that we are responsible for creating our own business opportunities, but that no opportunities will become available to us unless we create something of value for someone else.

Health: The ability to run hard and to know when to jog or rest.

Curiosity: We find our best outcomes are achieved when we hold a posture of curiosity – whether that be about another person, for what is around the corner with a new investment, or a problem to be solved. Having fun, doing something fun, taking a break or a vacation, etc. can help kick start this process with fresh momentum.

Flexibility: Think rooted vs. rigid. We find it is important to know what we think and what we believe, but be open to alternative perspectives and methods, as a reaffirmation of the status quo or a call for making a needed adjustment. Entertaining opposing ideas requires a flexible mind and disposition, yet being rooted in core principles counterintuitively fosters that ability.

Stewardship: We think that our resources need to be taken care of and key components to a wealth plan are saving, spending, investing and giving.

Community: We live in a community. Corona-life has highlighted this reality and needs we have for each other. We are connected. We are connected to our clients, our potential clients, as well as to their connections. We are connected as a team and the best outcomes for the client show up when we coordinate together.